future USMLE-CSA exam taker, I would like to take a little time and explain what is this all about. USMLE as you know is one toughest and most tiring exam on earth, and we all know that the higher you score the better the chances getting the desired residency. Saying that, it would always makes sense not waste the time studying irrelevant material. I have experienced this and I wanted to share it with all of you. This website was constructed by one person and the material presented were put up together by one person, BUT cant forget that millions of thanks have direct to all those students and interns who helped putting all this together. You might have seen similar materials that were put up together by different people but the material in this CD has been modified, corrected and expanded. Believe me and that is no joke, I guarantee you won't need anything else to prepare for the USMLE and CSA except those 4 CDs, off course after you have been comfortable with the text part (most likely FIRST AID or Kaplan Notes). Each exam is put up in one CD. I color coded them for you so it is easy to differentiate between them. Now I have to take some time and talk about USMLE Step 1 in specific which is the most talked about exam and that is true if you have noticed. USMLE step 1 is a really different (hard?) exam and let me tell you that the key for Step 1 is doing as many questions as possible. You might ask now, what kind of questions? let me tell you. There are over 10 publishing companies try to sell their products of questions which in my view most of them are rip offs, their questions are made in the old USMLE format or FULL of "except" questions (irrelevant isn't it?) The questions you will encounter in my CDs are MOSTLY relevant to those questions USMLE will present you plus the remembered questions I just added to the CD are amazingly good. (Hey you might ask again why MOSTLY? and my answer is because I have also added all those programs with questions that are not in the recent USMLE format but if you really one of those who are never satisfied and want more then you can go ahead and do them). One thing about the term "remembered" has to be more explained here because there are other products who included remembered question but they are either too old or written by professors who gathered information from students. The CD (only step 1) I have added questions that MY OWN FRIENDS SAW IN THEIR EXAMS and they are over 1200 questions in a high yield format off course (remember it is illegal to write down the question that you have seen as it is). The USMLE Steps123 and CSA CDs I am presenting are FULL of only relevant material and I am sure you will be satisfied after completing each CD. In the side link bar on the top left you will find and icon to each exam. Clicking on each one individually will take you to that page. Over there I have presented a list of what the CD includes plus samples so you get an idea of what the CD has. After you order the CD you will get an email with link to a website (password protected) and get your own name and pass. The purpose for this added option is to give you the chance to access some of the material you will encounter in the CD while waiting for the CD which will take 4-6 business days. That's great isn't it? this way you will start and as soon as you get the CD complete the rest. Hope you get a chance to look over the samples for each exam and please give me a feedback by emailing me specially if you have any questions that I have not covered above. I am charging $23 for each CD or $63 if you order them all at once (save $22). There is no tax charge to the above and no S&H fees (US only.....Non-US addresses must add $5 to the total). You need a credit card to place you order. Paypal is the credit company I am using and it is the most used credit company on the net. It is extremely secured and that is a guarantee. Again if you need any other questions let me know and I will try to reply back as soon as possible. Hit it hard and I wish all the good luck.
Liiamra (intern)
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